The Respect Life of Grays Harbor group has been in existence for approximately 15 years. We were founded for the purpose of making Catholics, and the public, more aware of and informed regarding all Life issues.
The goal of our ministry is to bring awareness to all issues regarding the respect for life at all stages, from "womb to tomb"! As we know, the Catholic Church has long taught that respecting life at all stages is a basic pillar of our faith.
As part of our goal of education, we focus on a variety of ways to get the message out to people. We sponsor various speakers at Mass, distribute Prayer Cards focusing on life issues, and provide an array of literature on topics such as: assisted suicide, child abuse, healing from abortion, grief from losing a loved one, information on sex trafficking, marriage, Mass attendance, Natural Family Planning, Napro Technology, and many others. Prolife Masses are said and various movies are shown as well. These many activities make up our ongoing effort of education.
We support the local pregnancy center through fundraising activities and match up supplies with their needs. We also work with the PREPARES program, which has been instituted in our Catholic Churches, as well as a local Knights of Columbus council.
Meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month starting at 10:15 a.m. in the Fireside Room at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Aberdeen. We welcome all people interested in helping to spread our message of hope!
We work under the protection and guidance of the Blessed Mother, as a group, by consecrating ourselves each year to Our Lady of Guadalupe, Queen and Mother of the Americas, and Protectress of the unborn. She watches over our work in renewing and protecting Life at ALL stages!
Please contact the Regional Office at 360-532-8300 to be put in touch with our team!
Chairman: Malachy Moran
Vice Chairman: Ron Higginbotham
Secretary: Jeannine Bramstedt