Pastoral Staff

The pastoral staff can be contacted at the regional parish offices located in Aberdeen:

306 E. Third Street
Aberdeen, WA 98520
Phone: 360-532-8300
Fax: 360-538-9987


Fr. Michael Barbarossa

Fr. Michael Barbarossa
Regional Pastor

Fr. Michael Barbarossa

Fr. Michael is a native of Washington, having grown up in Federal Way as a member of St. Vincent de Paul Parish. He attended Catholic school for most of his life and is thankful for the strong formation that his family and faith have provided. He began discerning God’s call to priesthood during his high school years and entered seminary after graduation, studying philosophy and classical languages at Gonzaga University in Spokane followed by theology at Mundelein Seminary in Chicago. His first parish assignment was at All Saints in Puyallup and St. Martin of Tours in Fife. Most recently, he served as the administrator of the four parishes in Cowlitz and Wahkiakum Counties. As a lover of the outdoors, he has hiked extensively in the Cascades and is excited to turn his attention toward the Olympic range.

P. Michael es nativo de Washington y creció en Federal Way como miembro de la parroquia St. Vincent de Paul. Asistió a una escuela católica durante la mayor parte de su vida y está agradecido por la sólida formación que le han brindado su familia y su fe. Comenzó a discernir el llamado de Dios al sacerdocio durante sus años de escuela secundaria y entró al seminario después de graduarse, estudiando filosofía y lenguas clásicas en la Universidad Gonzaga en Spokane y luego teología en el Seminario Mundelein en Chicago. Su primera asignación parroquial fue en Todos los Santos en Puyallup y San Martín de Tours en Fife. Más recientemente, se desempeñó como administrador de las cuatro parroquias de los condados de Cowlitz y Wahkiakum. Como amante de la naturaleza, ha caminado extensamente en Cascades y está emocionado de centrar su atención en el campo.

Fr. Anthony (Tony) Kitema

Fr. Anthony (Tony) Kitema
Parochial Vicar

Fr. Anthony (Tony) Kitema

Fr. Tony was born and raised in Machakos County in Kenya, East Africa in 1976. He is the 4th born in a family of 11. He began his journey to priesthood by joining St. Marys seminary in 2001. After successful completion of his Theological studies, he was ordained a Catholic priest in the Catholic diocese of Malindi on July 4th, 2009. His first appointment was at St. Joseph Parish as associate Pastor from August 2009 to April 2011. Fr. Tony served as the Diocese Finance Administrator and a fulltime associate pastor at St. Anthony Cathedral from April 2011 to August 2022. He left the Diocese of Malindi in August 2022 to pursue a Masters course in Leadership and Organizational development at Saint Louis University in Missouri, US. He graduated in July 2024. His other past responsibilities include:
May 2014 - Oct 2016: Caritas Director
Nov 2017 - Jan 2019: Director at Pope Francis Rescue home for sexually abused minors

Pastoral Staff

Theresa WrightRegional Pastoral Assistant for Administration
Carrie MarlowSchool Principal
Stephanie WeakleyAdministrative Assistant
Gloria BlackmanCemetery Coordinator
Laura SapienRegional Communications Coordinator
Leticia MezaRegional Bookkeeper
Perla EstradaRegional Hispanic Ministry
Jacob Hayden Regional Liturgy and Religious Education
Karin CianiPrison Ministry