by Fr. Francis | Apr 27, 2020 | Sunday Homilies
Len Sweet cuenta esta historia sobre Karl Barth, el famoso teólogo suizo. Puede ser una historia real o una versión evangelizada. Karl Barth viajaba en un tranvía en su ciudad natal de Basilea, Suiza. Tomó asiento al lado de un turista, y los dos hombres comenzaron a...
by Fr. Francis | Apr 25, 2020 | Sunday Homilies
Len Sweet tells this story about Karl Barth, the famous Swiss theologian. It may be a true story or an evangelized version. Karl Barth was riding a streetcar in his home city of Basel, Switzerland. He took a seat next to a tourist, and the two men started chatting...
by Fr. Simham | Apr 25, 2020 | Sunday Homilies
SHARE AND LISTENStory of “Emmaus Journey” is one of the wonderful stories after resurrection. There are volumes written about it. There are so many retreat centres and journals and magazines named after it. But today I want to see it as a story of two depressed men...
by Fr. Francis | Apr 20, 2020 | Sunday Homilies
Hace veinte años el papa San Juan Pablo II nombró el domingo siguiente la Pascua de Resurrección como “el Domingo de la Divina Misericordia”. Anteriormente se había llamado la fiesta sólo el “Segundo Domingo de Pascua”. Sí es el segundo domingo de Pascua, pero este...
by Fr. Francis | Apr 17, 2020 | Sunday Homilies
In Saint Faustina’s now famous Diary, she attributes these words to our Lord:“Encourage souls to place great trust in My fathomless mercy. Let the weak, sinful soul have no fear to approach Me, for even if it had more sins than there are grains of sand in the world,...