St. Teresa of Los Andes

My dear parishioners, I wish to share that there are saints among us in our young people. It is clear that many think of sainthood as beyond ordinary people. That is to be expected as many of us only know super saints, not the ordinary type that live next door. My...

Santa Teresa de Los Andes

Mis queridos feligreses, Deseo compartir que hay santos entre nosotros en nuestros jóvenes. Resulta evidente que muchos piensan en la santidad más allá de personas comunes y corrientes. Es de esperarse pues muchos de nosotros sólo conocemos súper santos, no el tipo...

July 19th Bulletin Letter

Dear Parishioners, I hope that you are enjoying the summer and that you have time to “get away from it all” at the beach, in the mountains or on a river. Summer is a great time for weddings and vacations. It is also a time to be quiet with the God who gives us the...

19 de julio Boletín Carta

Queridos Feligreses, Espero que estén disfrutando el verano y que tengan tiempo para “alejarse de todo” en la playa, en las montañas o en un río. Este es un buen tiempo para bodas y vacaciones. También es un tiempo para estar tranquilos con el Dios que nos...


Dear Parishioners, Catholics and people of good conscience have been distressed over the U.S. Supreme Court decision to require all states to license and recognize same-sex “marriage”. In my homilies I have stated that our understanding of Holy Matrimony remains...