Sunday Homilies
2nd Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy) (Fr. Francis)
The first word uttered by the Risen Christ on Easter night conveyed His special Easter gift to His Church: “Peace!” It is significant that immediately following on the heels of that greeting is the Lord’s commission to His Apostles to forgive sins in His name: “If you...
2nd Sunday of Easter (Fr. Simham)
What will you take with you when you die? Today I just want to concentrate on the first reading taken from the Acts of the Apostles. (Acts 4/32-35). It gives us a glimpse of the life of first-Christians around the Apostles. “The whole group of believers was united,...
Easter Sunday (Fr. Francis)
New life, with Jesus Easter Sunday is what we have all been waiting for! The forty days of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving during Lent was in preparation for this day, when our hearts and souls can drink in deeply the culmination of the Paschal mystery: The...
Easter Sunday (Fr. Simham)
CHRISTIANITY IS NOT VANITY Let me wish you a Happy Easter. One of the most fascinating books in the Bible is Ecclesiastes. The book begins saying “The words of the preacher, the son of David, king of Jerusalem. Vanity of Vanities, says the preacher, vanity of...
Easter Vigil (Fr. Francis)
In this holy night we celebrate the Lord’s resurrection. We rejoice in the victory of Jesus Christ over sin and death. We pledge to live our own lives as children of the light of the Risen Lord. We have listened in the readings to the proclamation of the God’s...
Good Friday (Fr. Francis)
Calvary sets in consoling relief the experience of all who suffer, whether the nightmare of physical pain or the emotional trauma of significant loss or the prospect of imminent death. The human Jesus, struggling to come to terms with the reality of his predicament,...
Holy Thursday (Fr. Francis)
If you are observant, you noticed when you came into church tonight that the tabernacle is empty. Why? For two reasons, really: First, to ensure that everyone receiving Holy Communion this evening does so from altar breads consecrated at this liturgical service,...
Palm Sunday (Fr. Francis)
An interesting as well as challenging old fable tells of the colt that carried Jesus on Palm Sunday. The colt thought that the reception was organized to honor him. “I am a unique donkey!” this excited animal might have thought. When he asked his mother if he could...
Palm Sunday (Fr. Simham)
Tongues special Today is Palm Sunday. it’s a wonderful day to remember Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. This is one of the rare days we have two gospels read. And these two gospels are quite opposite to each other. In the sense, in the first Gospel it's all...
5th Sunday of Lent (Fr. Francis)
A priest is walking around the neighborhood. From a distance, he sees a very small boy trying to press the doorbell of one house. But he is very small, and he cannot reach the doorbell. The priest, out of pity, walks toward the boy, and stands behind him. Then,...