Sunday Homilies

26th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Fr. Simham)

PAY A PRICE Look at what Jesus says in the gospel today. One of the most difficult sayings. Jesus says; If your hand should cause you to sin, cut it off… and if your leg causes you to sin, cut it off…..and if your eye should cause you to sin, pluck it off….. And to...

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25th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Fr. Simham)

WHO IS THE GREASTEST Today’s gospel picks up exactly where last week’s gospel left. Remember, in last week’s gospel Jesus was there in Caesarea Philippi and questioned the disciples saying ‘who do the people say that I am?’ And ‘who do you say that I am?’ After...

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24th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Fr. Simham)

Christianity is not something theory but practice There is a story told of Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson on a camping trip. As they lay sleeping one night, Holmes woke Watson and said, "Watson, look up into the sky and tell me what you see." Watson said, "I see...

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23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Fr. Simham)

Be Opened Isaiah prophesying about the Messianic times said, “Look, your God is coming, …….Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, the ears of the deaf be unsealed ……….” That is our first reading. And in the Gospel today, Jesus heals a man who was deaf and dumb....

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22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Fr. Simham)

Holiness of heart Two monks, Brother Francis and an elder monk, are walking down a muddy road on a rainy day. They came upon a lovely young girl dressed in fine silk, who was afraid to cross the river because of the flood and the mud. "Come on, girl," said Brother...

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21st Sunday in Ordinary Time (Fr. Simham)

Words of Eternal Life The gospel we heard today is the climax or conclusion of the sixth chapter of St. John which is a chapter on the Eucharist. It begins with the feeding of the five thousand and ends with the long discourse on the Holy Eucharist. In the discourse...

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Assumption of Virgin Mary into Heaven (Fr. Simham)

There is an old story about a workman on a scaffolding high above the nave of a cathedral who looked down and saw a woman praying before a statue of Mother Mary. As a joke, the workman whispered, "Woman, this is Jesus." The woman ignored him. The workman whispered...

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19th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Fr. Simham)

I want you to observe one strange thing happening in the Gospel. Jesus is in the midst of an important discourse on the Eucharist about bread of life. How it is better than manna and how it is going to give them eternal life and so on. These are truth of profound...

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18th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Fr. Simham)

I remember the story of a man who rang up to his mom and said, “Mom today I don’t want to go to church, because I have to two reasons. 1. It’s same old faces I see everyday and 2. They don’t like me anyway. And the mother said to him, “Son I have two reasons to tell...

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17th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Fr. Simham)

YOU CAN MAKE A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE I remember the story of a king who wanted to appoint a new Prime Minister. There were many applicants for the job from whom three were recruited. But only one is needed for the post. And the king wanted to give them a test. Next day...

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