Dear brothers and sisters,

I am filled with great joy as we begin the season of Advent, which calls to mind our celebration of Christmas, the coming of Jesus as the baby of Bethlehem, and also our anticipation in hope and joy of the second coming of Christ our King. My heart is always filled with great joy and hope as we repeatedly sing, “O come, O come, Emmanuel! And ransom captive Israel, That mourns in lonely exile here, Until the Son of God appear. Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.” Our joy is for the two comings of Christ, his birth in Bethlehem and his second coming. On Thanksgiving we feasted with family and friends thanking God for our blessings. In Advent we enter a time of anticipation and the beginning of the Jubilee Year of Mercy on December 8, a Holy Day of Obligation, the feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Pope Francis has dedicated this Year of Mercy to invite us to deeply contemplate the meaning of life [to know, love and serve God and to be happy with him in this life…] and the mercy of God given to us through his Church. In love and mercy I propose this question to you: “How do you experience God’s mercy through the Church?” My passionate desire is to help elevate your eyes and hearts above the mere human mercy we experience as a parish to limitless divine mercy we are offered through the sacraments. We are just beginning to come out of a period in which many Catholics have been led into the deception that the grace of the Sacraments are not necessary for our peace, joy and salvation. There is a great reservoir of mercy just waiting to be poured out on the Church through the neglected Sacraments of Reconciliation, Holy Matrimony, Holy Orders and even the Eucharist.

To have experienced God’s mercy through the Sacraments impels me to preach the great joy that is freely offered to each person through the humility of admitting your need of forgiveness and healing. So many spiritual gifts are left unopened, even as we decorate our homes extravagantly in celebration of the birth of our Savior. During this Year of Mercy, ask why our Holy Father is emphasizing the sacrament of mercy. We have confessions weekly and will celebrate a Penance Service during Advent on December 16 at St. Mary. You can come to me at any time to receive mercy and I know that Fr. Steve and Fr. Brian will gladly offer you the Sacrament of Reconciliation any time you are in need of mercy.

I pray that the love of Christ pierces your heart with a profound understanding that you are the beloved of God. I invite you to enter into union with the Holy Trinity, a communion of love that overcomes all sin with mercy. Let nothing separate you from the fullness of love, Jesus Christ. Without the sacrament of mercy, confession or reconciliation, you are unable to receive the fullness of grace that God intends to dispense in the sacraments. Sin blocks part of or even all the grace available in the Eucharist.

Your servant in Christ, Father Paul