5th Sunday of Lent (Fr. Francis)

5th Sunday of Lent (Fr. Francis) A priest is walking around the neighborhood. From a distance, he sees a very small boy trying to press the doorbell of one house. But he is very small, and he cannot reach the doorbell. The priest, out of pity, walks toward the boy,...

3rd Sunday of Lent (Fr. Francis)

3rd Sunday of Lent (Fr. Francis) As we continue our journey this season, on this third Sunday of Lent, we celebrate Christ the fullness of the law and the wisdom of God. Today, the Church calls us to rededicate ourselves to Christ. This is because He is the...

3rd Sunday of Lent (Fr. Simham)

3rd Sunday of Lent (Fr. Simham) All of us are born thirsty. The beauty of God’s creation is that 70 percent of the earth is covered with water. And you know 65 percent of human body is also made up of water. So any shift in this balance will make you thirsty. And also...

2nd Sunday of Lent (Fr. Francis)

2nd Sunday of Lent (Fr. Francis) Some years ago, a woman and man in my parish who had been married civilly many years before, asked that their marriage vows be validated and blessed by the church. To do this, the couple was required to prove that both of them had been...

1st Sunday of Lent (Fr. Francis)

1st Sunday of Lent Saint Jerome, the brilliant doctor of the Church, lived for twenty-five years in the cave where the Child Jesus was born. One time he prayed to Jesus thus: “Dear Child, You have suffered much to save me; how can I make amends?” “What can you give...