1st Sunday of Lent (Fr. Simham)
Lead us not into temptation
What is common to our human nature is temptation. Whether you are in the palace or whether you are on the pavement you are prone to tempted. No escape from that. Temptation is so common and so embarrassing that we often don’t want to talk about that. But the truth is my dear brothers and sisters that it this that leads us into sin and trouble. There is no sin without temptation. That is why our lord added “lead us not into temptation.” in his prayer which he taught us.
Now, When we have a deep analysis of temptation and how it leads us into sin, we find that there are four stages involved in every temptation leading upto sin. For our analysis we use the two great temptation scenes described in the Bible. Temptation of Eve and Jesus. Now the 4 stages
First stage: Senses see something and are attracted
Second stage: Reason(mind) gives all the reasons why you should have it or do it?
Third stage: Will approves the act
And in the fourth and final stage: Body does the rest. You are in sin.
First let us look at the temptation of Eve. Gen. 3:6 describes beautifully the whole process of temptation. “When the woman saw the tree it was good for food, and it was a delight to the eyes” It was the first stage.
Then the woman reasons out “is it not good to be wise, it is desired to be wise?” Will says yes and then she goes to pluck and eat. But the irony is that she was never revealed by the tempter what she was going to loose. And she was not bothered to know either. That is why she has fallen into sin.
Now let us turn to Jesus and his temptations. The pattern is similar. To the eyes that fasted for 40 days every stone which is round looks like a loaf of bread. So senses will be attracted to them. Then the reason supporting senses says “come on you are hungry and hunger knows no taste or rules. Turn the stones into bread and eat. Only if are alive and healthy you can save the world. Good and valid reason. But look at Jesus. It is here Jesus differs from us. He says “I lived all these 40 days without this bread and if I walk an hour I will go to a town where I could get something. I lived on his word not bread all these days can’t I wait for another hour. The better reason prevails. No sin.
So also in other two temptations. Tempter says “Your ultimate aim is to gain the whole world for God Ok, take it I will give it to you but bow down to me. Break the first commandment.” Better reason says “End does not justify means” No use of gaining the whole world and suffer the loss of my soul. Again no sin possible there.
Third temptation, it is good to see people clapping hands and applauding. Tempter reasons out and says ‘You are god’s son he will protect you and it will kick start your ministry on a high note.’ But the better part of the reason says ‘Don’t you think you are testing God by jumping; by going against the law of gravity. Jesus did go against the law of gravity when he walked on water but it was required to strengthen the faith of disciples but not to test God. So he says he will not test God.
In every temptation of Jesus there was a battle between good reason and the bad reason and always good reason prevailed. And the will said no to the bad reason. This is what it means when the Bible says “He was tempted in every way but did not sin”
Temptations are such that they allure you into sin and then laugh at you. There are no sins without temptation which in itself is not a sin. I don’t know whether there is still devil tempting you and me but there is certainly the battle going on between good and bad in you and me. There is one side of the reason saying why can’t you? There is the other side saying why should you? And we are left between these two to choose and the choice we make has a huge impact upon our life. As it had in the life of Adam and Eve and in the life of Jesus.
So how to avoid temptation now? There are four suggestions given by spiritual greats. One, avoid the occasion for temptations, Whether it is places, or people or situation, if you think they will lead you into temptation. Better to avoid them.
Second step, Don’t be influenced by the reasons your tempter gives you for doing an act but always use your own reason to see what are the after-effects of that act. Often the tempter gives only half truth is said to attract you, but the other half is said when you are in the den. Use your reason not his reason.
Third; Keep yourself and your mind busy. Keep away from idleness and occupy yourself with something or the other. Because, An idle mind is devil’s workshop they say. So don’t give the devil his opportunity.
Finally and above all: Turn to God in prayer. And lent is the best time for this.
God bless you!
Fr. Showreelu Simham