24th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Fr. Simham)
In the gospel today we read three classic parables taken from the gospel of Luke. Jesus uses these three parables to reveal to us about the nature of God and our own nature as human beings.
In the gospel we come across a God who is crazy if that is the word I can use and he is relentlessly in search for the lost. The reason why I say crazy is this: What shepherd among you when he loses one sheep leaves the ninety nine in the wilderness and goes in search of one lost sheep? Any sensible person would say, it is not prudent to risk the ninety nine for the sake of the one. It is basic economics. But this shepherd representing God goes in search of one. Bad economics or crazy shepherding???
Second, which woman turns her house upside down to find one lost coin not a 50 pound note? Nobody. And what woman will celebrate in such an extraordinary way calling everyone to share in her joy after finding a lost penny? Crazy woman.
And finally which Father among you is willing to give away half your property to your Son who is living a life of debauchery? And which Father again is willing to accept him when he comes back without saying a word and celebrate his return in such an extraordinary way. He is not coming back after winning a Gold medal in Rio Olympics, but after wasting all his money in loose living. Crazy to celebrate.
My Friends, what does all these parables reveal to us about the nature of God? My friends, our God is a God who is madly in love with us. He does not want even a single soul to be lost. He forgets even basic mathematics to save a single soul. For human reckoning its crazy thing to do. But in divine reckoning it is supreme expression of love. A love which is in constant search for the lost.
Secondly, these parables reveal to us something about ourselves and our nature. How lost we are and where does our God find us.
Some of us are like the lost coin. Coin is something which is very insignificant and inanimate. It is dead not alive. It doesn’t even know it is lost. In spiritual life some are like this coin dead and inanimate. They don’t even know that are lost. They are spiritually dead. They don’t even know they are away from God. Nothing about God and spirituality is found in them. But God is ready to turn his house upside down to find these lost insignificant souls.
Secondly some of us like the sheep that is lost in the wilderness. Sheep that was in the fold but unfortunately was lost in the course of time and feels the absence of the shepherd and fold but could not find the way back. God goes in search of this sheep. Because he knows that it needs his help, it cannot come back by itself. He goes after those who need him to be there. At that time for him that one sheep which is in need of his help and bleats for his help is far more important than those 99 that does not need his help. This is divine logic.
Some are like the younger son in the parable of the Prodigal son. He wages a conscious rebellion against God. He knowingly and willingly makes a choice to go away from God. He finds God and religion as hindrance for his freedom. God respects his freedom of Choice and allows him to go, but waits for his return. When he returns after coming to senses (realizing what life is without God) he celebrates his return. Because for him return of the sinner is more important than anything.
Finally, some of us are like the elder son mourning and winging because we feel that there is no recognition for us in the house. He complains, I have been always with you and worked for you like a donkey, but you never even gave a lamb for me to celebrate with my friends. How many of us are like the elder son mourning that God doesn’t care for us. We lead a good life, never miss our Sunday masses and our daily prayers. We even do lots of service, but God doesn’t care. He does not bless us. Look at the answer the Father gives him. Son all what I have is yours. There is no you and me. All I have is yours. The problem this elder son has is that he has not confidence in his father love. He lives in the house of the Father but considers himself as an outsider or servant. Father who was willing to give half his property to the younger one would have never said no to the elder son if he wanted to take a lamb or a calf to enjoy with his friends. Even though he lived with the father he is also far away from the father. And God goes out in search of him to bring him in.
In conclusion let us remember this one profound truth. God is constantly in search for our souls. Whether they are dead like the coin, or helpless like the sheep, or wandering like the prodigal son or mourning like the elder son, he is constantly seeking them to bring them to himself. We don’t know in which state we are in. One thing we can do is to allow ourselves to be found by him. You need not search for him, just allow him into your heart today to find you where you are and how you are. And he will carry you on his shoulders. May God bless you!
Fr. Showreelu Simham