13th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Fr. Francis)

Why did God make you?” The answer we memorized was: “God made me to know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him in this world, and to be happy with Him forever in heaven.”On this thirteenth Sunday, the church exhorts us to welcome Christ in others. This is especially,...

XIII Domingo Ordinario (Fr. Francis)

¿Por qué te hizo Dios? La respuesta que memorizamos fue: “Dios me hizo conocerlo, amarlo y servirlo en este mundo, y ser feliz con Él para siempre en el cielo”.En este decimotercer domingo, la iglesia nos exhorta a dar la bienvenida a Cristo en los demás....

13th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Fr. Simham)

Introduction: The common theme of today’s readings is the work God gives us to do as the followers of Jesus: to love God and our brothers and sisters through hospitality, generosity, commitment, and charity. The readings also remind us of the sacrifice demanded of...

Father’s Day 2020

Father’s Day 2020.Introduction: Happy Father’s Day to fathers, grandfathers, and stepfathers. These holidays of our culture are not exactly high holy days of the Church, but they do give us reason to pause, to pray for, and to reflect on our fathers whom we honor....

12th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Fr. Francis)

Market researchers studied three thousand persons, asking: “What are you most afraid of? You can guess most of the responses: heights, financial insecurity, snakes, dying. The big surprise is that the #1 fear was speaking in front of a group. Today’s first and third...