by Fr. Simham | Sep 14, 2019 | Sunday Homilies
In the gospel today we read three classic parables taken from the gospel of Luke. Jesus uses these three parables to reveal to us about the nature of God and our own nature as human beings.In the gospel we come across a God who is crazy if that is the word I can use...
by Fr. Francis | Sep 9, 2019 | Sunday Homilies
I heard it said once that to know what we love, we can examine two things: our daily schedule and our bank statements. By doing this, we see how we invest two of the most important things we can “spend” in this world: time and money. In a roundabout way, this shows...
by Fr. Simham | Sep 7, 2019 | Sunday Homilies
Let me begin by telling you a little story I read somewhere. It’s about a little girl who came home sad after the school and complained to her mother about what happened in the school.‘Mum’ she said ‘you’ll never guess what happened during Religious Education today....
by Fr. Simham | Sep 1, 2019 | Sunday Homilies
Lion becomes the lambI want you to imagine something. Suppose you are invited to a wedding party. There you see people running here and there, making every effort to find the best seats or places of honour. And someone runs up to you and literally grabs the chair from...