June 19th Bulletin Letter

A few months ago, a friend of mine (a faithful Catholic) posted something to Facebook. It was a quote from a politician in Europe calling for swift and disproportionate retribution for the latest atrocity committed by the so-called Islamic State (ISIS). The quote...

19 de junio Boletín Carta

Hace algunos meses, un amigo mío (Católico fiel) publicó algo en Facebook. Era una cita de un político en Europa pidiendo una retribución rápida y desmesurada por la última atrocidad cometida por el llamado Estado Islámico (ISIS). La cita abogaba para que el mundo...

May 29th Bulletin Letter

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ: On this feast of the Body and Blood of Christ, Jesus speaks of the Kingdom of God and gives us the divine bread in the Eucharist. Last Sunday, I taught you about the connection between the mutual love between the Father, the Son,...

29 de mayo Boletín Carta

Estimados hermanos en Cristo: En esta fiesta del Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo, Jesús nos habla del Reino de Dios y nos ofrece el pan divino en la Eucaristía. El domingo pasado les enseñé a ustedes acerca de la conexión entre el amor mutuo entre el Padre, el Hijo, el...

May 15th Bulletin Letter

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, It is difficult for me to be transferred to St. Frances Cabrini Parish as of July 1, as I expected to continue as your pastor for another four years. We have shared our mutual love and struggles, so I wish to help you with your...