33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Fr. Francis)

by | Nov 17, 2017

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Think of all the gifts and graces and blessings we have received from God. They are too numerous to list them all. We received the gift of life, family, friends, work, education, home, and all the conveniences of life. We can move up to a higher level of appreciation. We have received the gift of faith, forgiveness of our sins through Jesus’ death and resurrection, continuing relationship with Jesus through Mass and the sacraments, prayer, and the Sacred Scriptures, the gift of his mother Mary as our spiritual mother also. How much do we value each of the blessings we have received? What do we make of what God has given to us? Are we selfish and lazy with what God has given to us or do we put it to good use?

In the parable we can see those who made good use of their talents being judged well, “Come, share your master’s joy” (Matt 25:21,23) The one who did not put the talents to good use suffered at the judgment, “throw this useless servant into the darkness outside, where there will be wailing and grinding of teeth.” (Matt 25:30) We can imagine the shock for him. He had been lazy and made up excuses, “I heard you were a hard man….” Do we make up excuses instead of doing what we ought to?

There is a link between the readings. Something in the first reading is fulfilled or reflected in the Gospel. The worthy or perfect wife in the first reading (Prov 31) is someone who received many talents and as we heard she put them all to good use. As a result, “Her husband, entrusting his heart to her, has an unfailing prize.” (Prov 31:11)The second reading (1 Thes 5:1-6) urges us to be ready for judgment. One way of being ready for judgment is to use the talents well as Jesus taught in the Gospel.

I would like to see the talents in the parable taught by Jesus  (Matt 25:14-30) referring to virtues. A virtue is a good habit built up over time by practicing what is good. Therefore a virtue is something that increases as we do the right thing. Just as virtues increase by doing good, virtues also help us to do good. Virtues help us to control our passions and our conduct. The Catechism of the Catholic Church says virtues “make possible ease, self-mastery, and joy in leading a morally good life” and they “are acquired by human effort.” (Catechism §1804) In other words, just as the first two men in the parable worked to increase their talents we also have to work to increase our virtues. Virtues do not increase if we do nothing.

There are four main human virtues and we call them human virtues for the simple reason that they “are acquired by human effort.” (Catechism §1804), by education and perseverance.

The four are prudence, justice, fortitude and temperance (see Catechism §§1803-1811).

Prudence helps us discern what is truly good in every circumstance.

Justice is giving to God and neighbor what is their due.

Fortitude is being firm during difficulties and constantly wanting what is good.

Temperance helps us to moderate pleasure and balance our consumption of goods.

In the parable the first two men traded and doubled their talents. With the human virtues we can double our talents.

There are three theological virtues. (see Catechism §§1812-1829) These virtues are poured into us by God so we call them theological virtues. They are faith, hope and charity.

Faith is believing all that God has said and revealed to us and that the Church proposes to us because God is truth.

Hope is desiring heaven and eternal life.

Charity is loving God above all things, and loving our neighbor for the sake of God.

In the parable the first two men traded and doubled their talents. With the theological virtues we open ourselves up to God and his activity in our lives.

Faith leads to professing our faith, giving witness to our faith and producing good works.

Hope purifies our activities so that they have heaven as their goal.

Charity raises up human love and perfects it like divine love.

As we grow in faith, hope and charity we grow in God’s image and likeness. That is a doubling of the talents. The best means to double our talents is to participate actively in the Stewardship of Time, Talent and Treasure of the local Church.

Let us double the talents, increasing our virtues of prudence, justice, fortitude and temperance. Let us allow the theological virtues of faith, hope and charity open us up ever more to God and his activity in our lives so that we may be worthy to hear, “Come, share your master’s joy” (Matt 25:21,23)


Fr. A. Francis HGN