7th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Fr. Francis)

Our Gospel passage this morning is a continuation of what we read a week ago, the Lord’s sermon on the plain. In that sermon Jesus turned the values of this world upside down; while the world would say blessed are the rich, Jesus said blessed are the poor. Today, in...

6th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Fr. Vinner)

My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,Today’s readings teach us that true happiness, or beatitude, lies in the awareness that we are all children of a loving Heavenly Father and that we will be  happy only when we share our blessings with our brothers and sisters in need,...

6th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Fr. Francis)

Blessed are those who trust in the Lord! [Jer. 17:7] My brothers and sisters in Christ, who can tell me what it means to “trust in the Lord?” Is your interpretation of “trusting in the Lord” the same as your neighbor’s interpretation? Is your...

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Fr. Francis)

Today’s reading present three men, Peter, Paul and Isaiah. All called by God. All appear to be unlikely choice to perform the mission they were given. Each one, though, was the perfect choice. Simon, was a fisherman. He knew the sea. He knew where to find fish,...

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Fr. Vinner)

THE LORD MAKES US HIS WORTHY MESSENGERSMy brothers and sisters in Christ,Last Sunday the church reminded us of our privileged call to be God’s prophets and messengers. On this fifth Sunday of ordinary time, she reminds us that though we are utterly unworthy to be...